
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Adjective vs Adverb

Kadang bingung yah kapan kita pake "Beautiful" (adjective), kapan pake "Beautifully"(adverb) . Nih gw kasih tau, berdasarkan beberapa sumber, perbedaan antara Adjective & Adverb:

Adjective: A word that describes, identifies or qualifies a noun or pronoun. An adjective usually, but not all the time, comes before the noun or the pronoun which it modifies.
For example:
1. The cute cat was sleeping.
2. The cat was cute.
The word "cute" is describing and modifies the noun cat.

Kata sifat: Sebuah kata yang menjelaskan, mengidentifikasi atau memenuhi syarat sebuah kata benda atau kata ganti. Sebuah kata sifat biasanya, namun tidak setiap saat, ditulis / berada sebelum kata benda atau kata ganti yang memodifikasi.

Sebagai contoh:
1. Kucing lucu sedang tidur. 

2. Kucing itu lucu.
Kata "lucu" menggambarkan dan memodifikasi kucing sebagai kata benda.

Adverb: An adjective describes or modifies a verb. Unlike an adjective, an adverb can be found in various places within the sentence. Adverbs are most likely to end in "ly". An adverb indicates manner, time, place, cause, or degree and answers questions such as "how," "when," "where," "how much".
For example:
The dog quickly ran to his owner.
The word "quickly" describes and modifies the verb ran. It also answers the question "how". How did the dog run? It ran "quickly".
Kata keteranganTidak seperti kata sifat, kata keterangan dapat ditemukan di berbagai tempat dalam kalimat. Kata keterangan yang paling mungkin berakhir dengan "-ly". Kata keterangan menunjukkan cara, waktu, tempat, penyebab, atau derajat dan menjawab pertanyaan seperti "bagaimana", "ketika", "mana", "berapa banyak".
Sebagai contoh:
Anjing itu dengan cepat berlari ke pemiliknya.
Kata "cepat" menggambarkan dan memodifikasi kata kerja berlari. Ini juga menjawab pertanyaan "bagaimana". Bagaimana anjing itu lari? Itu berlari "dengan cepat".

So basically, Adjectives are used to describe nouns, while Adverbs are used to describe verbs.

More examples:

An adjective is a word that describes a noun.
The plum was purple.
The girl is pretty.
The duckling is fuzzy.
That is a sweet little dog.

An adverb is a word that describes a verb.
He ran quickly.
He chewed slowly.
She dove deeply.
The mouse nervously scurried.

Nah, biar tambah ngerti lagi apa itu Adjective dan Adverb, kamu juga bisa liat slide show lucu di sini:

Semoga bermanfaat!


rosyida marfuah said...

i like..thank you

Unknown said...

most welcome! :)

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